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What is Team Summit?

Team Summit Colorado (TSC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that has been in existence for over 40 years. TSC was certified as a Gold Level Club in 2019 by US Ski and Snowboard, an honor of only 22 clubs in the U.S.  The team has over 500 athletes in the Alpine, Freeski and Snowboard disciplines combined. We have four world-class mountain partners – Arapahoe Basin, Breckenridge, Copper Mountain, and Keystone Resort.

How does Team Summit differ from ski school?

Team Summit Colorado is not in the business of teaching your child the basics of skiing or snowboarding. We take proficient skiers and snowboarders and help them reach their full potential as athletes. If your child has outgrown ski or snowboard school and has expressed an interest in having fun on the hill while improving their skills, or interested in competition, you’ve come to the right place.

What does membership mean?

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, TSC is bound by the Colorado Nonprofit Corporation Act and its Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. TSC is governed by its board of directors who set policy in accordance with the organizations’ Bylaws. Operations and the day to day management duties of TSC rest with the organizations’ Executive Director and each discipline’s program directors. Participants in TSC’s full-time programs are required to pay an annual membership fee and, as members, are eligible to participate in its programs and benefits. Membership entitles participation in club activities as set forth in the membership materials promulgated to prospective memberships annually or from time to time as the need may arise.

Am I ready to join a competitive snow sports program?

TSC programs are designed to accommodate skiers and snowboarders who have already achieved certain minimum levels of competency. For our intro programs, the ability to ride chairlifts and the putting on and taking off of equipment is a must. Skiers and snowboarders who cannot successfully independently manage a “blue” run may be better served by and referred to the local ski school and/or its “seasonal” program.
Typically TSC coaches will assess the skills of each athlete at the beginning of the season, and, if it proves to be really too much of a burden either for the child or to the coaching staff, a reasonable refund of fees may be provided.

What is Team Summit? How does Team Summit differ from ski school? What does membership mean? Am I ready to join a competitive snow sports program?

TSC offers professional coaching for its members but does not provide equipment rentals or lift tickets.  For our Academy programs transportation to and from daily training from local schools is provided for a fee.  All of our athletes in good standing are eligible to purchase discounted ski passes to the resorts in summit county (Abasin, Copper Mountain, and Vail Resorts).  Only the participating TSC athletes are eligible for discount.

What do I need to have for equipment?

Helmets are required and mandatory for all training. Our team uniform jacket is provided every other year as part of your registration. Please refer to the program gear list for equipment needs.  

Which program is right for my child?

Our Intro to Team Summit Program offers variety while continuing to develop the fundamental skills needed to be competitive. If your athlete knows what they like you can refer to the program pipeline to see what might be the best fit. For a visual example of our program pipeline,

Will I be in a group with my friends?

TSC’s staff organizes athletes into groups at the beginning of the season. Group makeup is determined by both age and the common ability level of the group based on early season assessment, however, coaches do try to make accommodation for friends to be together whenever possible. Experience has shown that participants almost always make new friends too!

What are the prerequisites for enrolling my child in Team Summit?

Your athlete needs to be a proficient skier or snowboarder: blue runs should pose little or no problems for your athlete and some black runs should be manageable as well. Athletes should also be old enough and self-sufficient enough to spend a day on the hill with a high level of independence.

Generally, the youngest age to be successful in our programs is 5 or 6 years old. Your athlete should have the stamina to ski or snowboard from 8:30 am – 3:00 pm, willingness to participate, ability to communicate clearly about basic needs (cold, hurt, hungry, thirsty and bathroom), ability to be away from mom & dad all day and the ability to stay warm on cold days.

Who will be my coach?

All TSC coaches are trained and certified for the level of the athletes with which they work. At the beginning of each season, athletes are assigned a coach which is best suited for the goals and objectives of each program. TSC strives for consistency in staff both during the season and from year to year.

Will my athlete have the same coach all season long?

The same group of coaches and athletes generally stay together for the entire season. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule and occasionally a couple members of a group may be reassigned to better match a group of athletes with similar skill levels. Especially in the entry-level programs, we try to group athletes together that are similar in skill level and age.

Are competitions mandatory?

We are a competitive program and do plan to attend competitions with the athletes. Competition is part of our programs. Athletes are encouraged—however, not required to participate in competitions. Athletes learn new skills and experience different emotions and energy levels on competition days than they do on training days. If your child chooses not to participate in competitions, there may not be training available on those days.


Where and when do we meet?

The published training schedules, online calendars, and direct communication should always keep you in the know.  TSC programs utilize regularly updated calendars that are specific to each group, as well as regular communication via email and/or text. Head coaches keep Calendars up to date.  There will be some instances where last minute changes do happen due to circumstances beyond our control. Every effort will be made to get that information out to you as soon as we know about it.

1) If you’re late for drop off or pick up times it holds up the rest of your group and your coach. Please try to be on time.

2) Road conditions and traffic patterns can vary considerably in Colorado. Allow plenty of time to arrive safely.

What if we are late?

In a perfect world, no one ever will be!  We do however realize that stuff happens that may be beyond your control.  All parents and older athletes should have their coach’s phone number so they can contact them to catch up with the group, wherever they may be. The younger groups often do a few laps at a central base lift so they can pick up any stragglers, and for the older groups when there is scheduled training in a specific area, athletes may simply head to that area. All coaches carry radios to help facilitate regrouping.

Are athletes expected to come on a regular basis?

Because our programs generally follow a progression, it is always best if your child attends on a regular basis but we understand that family obligations do sometimes arise.

If they miss a day can they make it up at another time?

No, we do not have a system in place to do makeups.

When do they eat lunch?

This may sometimes vary.  Speak with your athlete’s coach if you’d like to join up for lunch.

Should my child have/snacks in their pocket?

That is up to you. Keep in mind that unless the weather is bad, there is sometimes no break until lunch.  If your child tends to get hungry (or, “hangry”) you may want to keep their pockets loaded.

Can they carry a family radio with them?

Yes, they can but we ask that they leave it off and in their pocket, otherwise, they tend to pay more attention to their radio than to their coach.  We recommend that you keep your radio on and let your child be the one to contact you rather than the other way around.

What happens if they get hurt?

If your child is hurt, a coach will go with them to the medical facility and every effort will be made to contact you as soon as possible.

What do coaches do if one child has to go to the bathroom?

Older athletes will be permitted to go in and use the facilities and meet the group again. Coaches of younger athletes’ groups will keep everyone together. Please remind your children to use the restroom before they meet the team.

Where do alpine racers do their gate training?

Gate training is conducted at any number of sites located at either Copper, Breckenridge, Keystone, or in the spring at Arapahoe Basin. Check the schedule.

Where do they do their free skiing?

That is determined entirely by ability and conditions. We strive to ski the entire mountain, in all types of conditions.

How do coaches feel about me coaching my child? I used to be a ski instructor: Is it OK to coach my child?

As with all sports, technique changes rapidly and the TSC coaching staff are trained to teach the most up-to-date methods.

Do the coaches want to talk with me after training days?

Yes, the coaches are nearly always available to speak with you about your child’s progress at the end of each session, and it is mandatory for our coaches to be available to speak with parents.

Is there any organized transportation to the hill?

Other than van transportation for our full-time programs and to competitions as noted, parents must provide transportation to the hill.  However, families can and often do make car-pooling arrangements.


Where do you buy the TSC jackets?

Your athletes’ TSC jackets are included in the cost of the program and will be provided to you at the beginning of the season. Athletes receive a new jacket every other year and will be handed out at Family Orientation. 

Is a uniform mandatory?

Yes, team jackets are required of all athletes. They are as cool as they are important.  Our jackets include sponsor logos, which can’t be altered, destroyed or removed.

Does my child need a helmet?

We have a mandatory helmet rule.  A good fitting helmet manufactured specifically for skiing or snowboarding is required for all Team Summit Colorado athletes.  If your child is competing in Alpine events, he or she will need a hard eared helmet per USSA rules.  Always check with a coach before purchasing a helmet if you have a question.

Where do we buy ski equipment? Are there any equipment deals for my child? Are hand-me-downs OK?

A Racer’s Edge and Podium Sports are two shops locally that support Team Summit Colorado. We host an annual equipment day in the fall with the best possible prices on new equipment along with the Breckenridge Ski and Board Swap for new and used equipment the 2nd weekend in September.  Before buying anything please check with your coach.  During the off-season, check with your respective program’s director.

How many pairs of skis should an athlete have?

This depends on the age, ability, and a host of other factors. Check with your coach!

How do you know when a child needs new skis?

If you are not sure, ask your child’s coach for their opinion.

When and where should I get skis tuned and or waxed? Can we tune skis ourselves? Are there any classes? Where do you buy wax etc.?

A Racer’s Edge and Podium Sports are two shops locally that support Team Summit Colorado.  

You can also tune your athlete’s skis yourself, and we strongly encourage older athletes to learn how to do this for themselves. We typically host clinics on this subject in the fall.

Is there any optional equipment I should consider buying?

Boot and glove dryers are handy and you may want to purchase your own tuning equipment. You should have extra gloves, a neck gator to protect your child from frostbite on very cold days and a set of dry clothing for wet days and accidents. Hand warmers can make the difference between a miserable day and an awesome day.


Does my child have to compete?

Generally no. However, we are a competition-oriented organization, and training cannot be guaranteed when the rest of the team is participating in a competition. Participation is encouraged (and is fun!)

Does my child need a USSA license to compete? How soon should I apply for it?

If your child is going to compete in any events other than those organized locally, you will need to obtain a USSA license.  Membership runs June to June.  For our intro programs racing in Youth Ski League competitions, inexpensive licenses may be obtained online at  If you are confused, please check with your child’s coach. They will be glad to help.

How do you enter a competition?

Please consult with your coach on how to register. 

Please pay attention to your email announcements.  Veteran parents and coaches will be more than willing to help you through that first year which can be confusing.

Can we keep competition bibs; they’d make a great souvenir? When do I return the bib?

Bibs MUST be returned. If your child is only competing for the first day of a two-day comp series then you need to make sure your child’s bib is given to an official. Usually, details about the handling of bibs is published on the competition information sheet promulgated the mornings of all comps.  On the last day of a series, a volunteer will be in the finish area collecting bibs.

Can my child compete in all competitions?

Yes and No.  Provided you send your entry in on time, your child may compete in any comp in which they are old enough to compete.  Some competitions, however, need to be qualified for. Every fall the coming season’s schedule is published and distributed to the membership and generally may be found online as well.  It is always a good idea to check with your child’s coach or an experienced parent in the club well in advance of the competition dates as they sometimes do change.

What if I need to cancel an entry I’ve already sent in?

Organizers’ policies specify how late an entry may be canceled and may be found online where you entered the competition.

How do away competitions work? Do we send coaches?

All comps that are on the published schedule will be supported with TSC coaches.

Can I just enter competitions that are not on the schedule.

Yes, but we do not recommend it.  Although some athletes really enjoy competition and talk their parents into letting them enter far away from open comps, generally the schedule is made with the intention of balancing enough training to prepare for the number of comps.  Too many competitions is just that: too many.

Who is responsible for parents and children’s accommodations at away competitions?

As our athletes get older and into our more advanced programs they will begin to travel out of the county and may stay overnight(s).  You are responsible for making your own reservations if need be.  TSC athletes generally travel and stay together as a group for away competitions, and all of the arrangements will be made (you’ll get a bill).

What does U10, U12, U14 etc. stand for?

The “U” designation corresponds to and is similar to other youth sports such as hockey or soccer.  The number corresponds to how old they will be after December 31 of their final season in that age group.
U10 athletes age 9 and under
U12 athletes age 10-11
U14 athletes age 12-13
U16 athletes age 14-15
U19 athletes age 16,17,18
U21 athletes age 19-20


Am I required to make a “Volunteer Service Fee” (VSF) to Team Summit?

Yes, as a non-profit organization, we rely on our members to volunteer their time to our club fundraising and other events. Team Summit Colorado collects a Volunteer Service Fee—sometimes referred to as a “VSF”—from every family when you register. When you have satisfied your volunteer hours, you are entitled to a refund or credit towards next season of the full VSF. If you do not volunteer the required number of hours, the VSF is forfeit.

Do I have to volunteer?

While it is not required that you volunteer, we would prefer to have your time rather than your money.  Additionally, volunteering keeps tuition down, raises money for the organization, builds relationships between athletes/families, and provides a great experience for not only our athletes but those visiting for a  Team Summit hosted event.

Who coordinates the volunteers and how do I sign up?

Here is a link to our Volunteer page which gives information on our Volunteer Program, how to track hours and current volunteer opportunities.  If you have any further questions, please contact 

Do I need special training?

Most of our volunteer positions can be taught in just a few minutes.  However, for a sanctioned race Team Summit can provide educational materials to make a successful event.  If volunteers feel driven to further their education, USSA conducts clinics for those seeking to advance their competition official certifications. 


Where is the office?

We are located in Copper Valley in Center Village of Copper Mountain. To get to Copper Valley, come into Copper on Copper Rd.

Take a left at the 2nd STOP sign, which is Ten Mile Circle.  Take the next left on Uneva Place and we are the 2nd condo building on the right.

You can also walk from the bus drop off in Ten Mile Circle, walk in the direction of the Athletic Center and take a right onto Uneva Place before getting to the stop sign.  We are the 2nd condo on the right.

There is a door code at Copper Valley, so please call the office 970.968.3080 and we can give you the code.

What are the office hours?

We are staffed year round.

From September – April, the office is generally open 9:00 am – 4:00 pm, Tuesday – Friday and 8:00 am-1:00 pm on Saturday.

During the summer, we operate on an abbreviated schedule when we are open Monday we operate on a reduced schedule when we are open Monday – Thursday, 9:30 am – 4:00 pm and 9:00 am to 12:00 pm on Friday.  

Because of the small office staff and the seasonality of our programs, there is some variation in the office schedules. If you must talk to someone in person, please call or e-mail ahead to arrange an appointment.

What is the role of the Board of Directors?
  • Advise the Executive Committee on policy, program development, and financial development.
  • Participate in fundraising to maintain the current economic stability of the Club.
  • Serve as liaisons between the parents and volunteer groups, as well as the Summit County Community.
  • Facilitate communications with Ski Area Management as needed.
  • Promote Team Summit as a premier winter-sports training facility.
  • Increase available scholarship dollars.
  • Increase contributions to the Endowment Fund.
  • Approve and oversee the budget.
  • Assure that year-end financial statements and tax returns are completed.
  • Act on behalf of Team Summit in other community Boards, groups and activities.
What does it mean to be a Member in Good Standing of Team Summit?

Your account is current, there are no disciplinary matters outstanding, your VSF is paid. All members in good standing are eligible for discounted ski passes, to ride in the vans to competitions when available, to lodge and compete as a Team.

How is my voice heard?

First, always talk with your primary coach. If the coach cannot resolve the problem or escalate it to the next level to your satisfaction, the next step is to meet with the Program Director for your discipline.