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Freeski Updates – October 15th, 2020

Freeski Updates – October 15th, 2020

Hi Team
Happy Fall! It has certainly cooled off and it’s exciting to see the snow guns blasting away at Copper and Arapahoe Basin. It won’t be long now before we are making our first laps!

Huge Thanks to all of you who helped or came by the Ski Swap last weekend in Breckenridge. It was great to see everyone gearing up and getting stoked.

Now is definitely the time to get your equipment squared away. Make sure your boots are well fit and adjusted to your skis and bindings to avoid a scramble on your first day.

A good ski tune is super important, early season snow can be firm and a good edge makes all the difference.  Both Podium Sports and A Racers Edge are set up to help dial you in are great supporters and sponsors of Team Summit. Please give them your business if possible. If you have any other equipment questions feel free to reach out to your program Head Coach or myself  and we’ll steer you in the right direction.

Pass Vouchers will be issued shortly.  Lili Strachan, our Membership Manager, will send them to you once our Resort Partners release them to us. Please be patient, we are at the mercy of the ski areas as to the timing of the passes. You can rest assured, the ski areas are as supportive as ever to our Team's mission, vision, and dreams.

We have hired a new Ski Cross Head Coach, Leah Emaus.  See her announcement here.
Team Summit is piloting a new Skimo program.  Details can be found on our Freeski Page.  Don't forget to read up on our new Skimo Head Coach, Jaime Brede.  
We are incredibly excited and fortunate to have these two new ladies join our team!

Keep an eye on our Events Page {CCM:BASE_URL}/members/events
as the season progresses lots of Team Updates, Events, and volunteering opportunities will be posted here.

Of Note:

Nov 6 & 7 -“Huck Yeah!” movie presentation – Keystone.

Nov 7 & 8 – Silverthorne Shopping Extravaganza. Proceeds help support our scholarship fund.

Nov 14 – 9am-12pm Family Orientation (virtual)

Dec 5 – Ski Ball! (Virtual)

Stay tuned for training details from program Head Coaches as we get closer to getting on snow. And… always feel free to hit me up if you have questions as we get rolling.

Thanks and can’t wait to “ski ya soon”!
