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Team Summit Alpine Ability, Age Class and SRD Parents, FIS and U16 Athletes and Coaches: That’s a wrap!

Dear Team Summit Alpine Ability, Age Class and SRD Parents, FIS and U16 Athletes and Coaches:
That’s a wrap!
With the final fun (and a little windy) weekend in Loveland, the racing season in RMD has come to an end. Thoughts now turn forward to spring, summer, and next season. First, there are a couple of things to wrap up for this year.
Year-end evaluations are being prepared by the respective coaching staff and are in the process of being sent out. Once received, please reach out if you would like to schedule a call, Zoom, or in-person review.
Borrowed equipment is requested to be returned as soon as possible. Any skis that were loaned out from the club inventory are asked to be race tuned/waxed and returned to the Rosener Human Performance Center (TSC Clubhouse) or offices in the Snowbridge Square Building. Hours are limited, but skis can be left outside either interior door to the HPC.
Spring Camps begin on May 12 in Copper and the Ability Summer Lifting Program will begin on June 20 after the conclusion of the Copper June Training Camp. Lifting will be from 8-11 AM on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday throughout the summer at the HPC.
Spring and summer camp information is posted on the Team Summit website: {CCM:BASE_URL}/camp.
Enrollment for the 2022-23 season opened on April 1 for all programs and we are experiencing unprecedented interest both from returning racers and new racers. More than 70 applications have been received for our Age Class and Ability Programs. Our enrollment last year was 115. As we are limiting space in these programs to approximately this same number, we are prioritizing the re-enrollment of current members before accepting new members. Enrollment for Ski Racing Devo will remain open. 
Acceptances for returning athletes to Full-Time Program began being sent on April 8 and acceptances for returning athletes to Part-Time Programs will begin being sent this Friday, April 15. Acceptance of new members, if space remains available, will begin on May 1. Program information for 2022-23 and details on the rolling enrollment timeline are available here: {CCM:BASE_URL}/Alpine
Please note: You may submit your enrollment at any time. The notices of acceptance will start to be delivered on the date indicated on the timeline.
We wish to thank all of you for being part of Team Summit this past year and congratulate all of the athletes for their efforts and improvement!
Enjoy the spring and see you on the snow again soon!
Aldo and the Alpine Coaching Staff
Aldo Radamus
Alpine Director
Contacts for your Head Coach or Administration:
Membership Services:
Athletic Trainer and COVID Coordinator: