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A Letter from the Board President

A Letter from Bruce McLennan

Team Summit appreciates your patience as we await updated COVID-19 regulations from State and County health authorities and finalize operating agreements with our resort partners.
A priority for our Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Finance Committee and Leadership Team, has been to prepare a refund policy that considers potential COVID-19 impacts to our programs this season.
Team Summit programs, and by extension our expenses, are year-round and do not begin the first day of on-snow training.  A few examples of important and required activities that occur in the months leading up to our on-snow season include: 

  • Program Directors and Head Coaches recruiting, vetting, background screening, and onboarding over 100 coaches. 
  • Coaches completing important training designed to provide your athletes the best possible product and keep them safe.  Training programs include SafeSportHeads Up, and specialized ski or snowboard coaching. 
  • Full time coaches completing a six to eight-day paid orientation and on snow training. 
  • Part time coaches completing a two to four-day paid orientation and on snow training. 

In addition, Team Summit cannot function without basic business needs such as a properly equipped office, full time and part-time administrative staff, full time Program Directors, insurance, legal expenses, and the equipment necessary for high quality training. 
To cover these costs and ongoing expenses throughout the season we rely equally on athlete tuition and the community.  Income from the community includes fundraising, in-kind donations, grants, and events which combine to generate over $1.7 million each year. 
We have considered these factors and worked to draft the attached policy to be reasonable while ensuring the long-term sustainability of Team Summit.  Thank you for your support as we work together navigating the unique circumstances we all face this season. 
We look forward to the working with our many young athletes soon.

Bruce McLennan
President of the Board of Directors


COVID-19 Policy