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Alpine Ability Updates – Nov. 1, 2019

Alpine Ability Update – Nov. 1, 2019

This message is being sent to all athletes and their parents who are registered for U16 or FIS Academy or Part-Time Programs.

Dear U16 and FIS Athletes and Parents:
Things are beginning to get very busy and there is a great deal of important information to share in this update. Please act on any action items immediately in order to avoid missed deadlines, missing paperwork or any other inconveniences. We believe that all our Ability athletes should be ready to take responsibility for their planning, registrations, and other details. If you and your family feel you are not ready for that, parents are welcome to help or monitor to be sure that all items are taken care of on time.
Thank you for everyone’s good communication about training attendance! Please remember that Part-time athletes are asked to notify their coaches when they are planning to attend and Academy or Full-Time athletes are asked to notify the coaches when they are unable to attend.
This and previous updates are archived on the Team Summit web site in the “Blogs” section if you do not save the email and need to refer to some of the information provided. Click on “Alpine Racing” under Topics and the updates are listed in chronological order (Thank you to our Events Manager Phil Kubiske for setting it all up!). {CCM:BASE_URL}/members/blog/topic/276/alpine%20racing
In This Update:
– TSC Travel Planning
– RMD Skills Quest Conditioning Assessment
– Super G Training
– Ability Program Pot-Luck Saturday
– Impact Testing and Family Orientation
– Goal Setting and Meetings – Deadline November 9
– U16 Training and Competition Trip to Vermont in December
– Birds of Prey World Cup
TSC Travel Planning
The first travel planning sheet for the Skills Quest Conditioning assessment has been completed and the charged amounts have been added to each athlete’s individual account.
All future travel will be charged to a credit card prior to travel. Please call Lili Strachan at the TSC Office 970-968-3080 with the credit card information you will place on file.

RMD Skills Quest Conditioning Assessment
Congratulations to all athletes who attended and participated in the conditioning assessment last Sunday! Three TSC athletes exceeded the standards of 700 total points for Men and 550 points for women established for participation in US Ski and Snowboard national projects and teams. Congratulations to Jakub Marusarz, Michael Cheek and Ella Snyder!
Here is a link to the Team Summit Leaderboard:
Please note that access to the scores of participants from other teams will be made available once received from USSA.
Each athlete can review their individual scores and rankings here:
There is a Men’s and Women’s Tab, as well as male and female group report tabs
(Select the athlete from the drop-down menu)
(Select the age to compare)
(Select the date range of testing)
Hitting refresh often will help speed things up!
Super G Training
With the favorable snowmaking conditions, we will have Super G Training for three days on the Speed Venue in Copper beginning this Sunday, November 3. Details will be posted to the calendar within the next few days.
Please be sure that you have all your equipment in order. If you would like to borrow Super G skis from the TSC inventory for the season, please contact Jared ASAP for help.

Ability Program Pot-Luck Saturday
All athletes and parents are invited to a team pot luck on Saturday, November 2. Thank you to Jake, Kelley, and Bob for hosting! This will be a team social event with no agenda other than to kick off the season with fun, friendship, and food. We will also welcome our visiting athletes from The Alta Badia, Italy Ski Team!
Lau residence: 1541 Legend Lake Circle, Silverthorne, CO from 5:30-7:30. Please bring items to share as indicated below by the last name:
Appetizers: A-F
Salads: G-H
Mains: I-R
Desserts: S-Z
*Plastic plates, utensils, cups, and soft drinks will be provided. This is an alcohol-free event.
Impact Testing and Family Orientation
TSC Family Orientation is on Saturday, November 16 at the Copper Mountain Conference Center.
ImPACT testing is strongly encouraged for all athletes ages 12 and up. ImPACT requires you to bring your own computer and $15 to establish a cognitive baseline. Click the following link to sign up: Please sign up ASAP for your preferred AM timeslot so you do not miss training on this day starting at 1:30 PM
Vail Summit Orthopaedics Impact Testing (12+)
* Runs every hour until 12:45 pm
9:00am – 9:45am
Welcome Message – CB
Positive Sports Parenting Organizational Information
9:55am – 10:30pm
Alpine Ability Program Orientation
10:30am – 2:00pm
Jacket Pick up and Info Tables
4:00 – 6:00 Team Summit Season Kick-Off Social
More details available on the TSC Events Calendar
Goal Setting and Meetings – Deadline November 9
Attached to this message you will find the Ability goal setting sheet. Please take some time to reflect and be thoughtful about your responses. These are your personal goals to discuss with coaches and will not be shared unless you choose to do so on your own.
Once you have completed the sheet please return it to Doug, Jared or Aldo at training or scan and email. We will schedule a goal-setting conference once we have your sheet.
U16 Training and Competition Trip to Vermont in December
We are recommending a weeklong training and competition trip to Vermont in Early December for those U16’s who qualified or were within several spots of qualifying last year for their respective age group championships. This trip will include 2 days of training in both SL and GS followed by a USSA race in each discipline. Training and racing will be at Sugarbush North and Stratton Mountain the home areas of GMVS and SMS.
This will be a great opportunity to experience training and racing in the East ahead of the first Sync races and visiting resorts that are regular hosts to important FIS competitions.
December 2 – Travel
December 3, 4 – Train SL at Sugarbush North
December 5 – SL Race 
December 6, 7 – Train GS at Stratton Mountain Resort
December 8 – GS Race
December 9 – Travel 
Please reach out to Aldo and Jared with your expression of interest and any questions you have.
Birds of Prey World Cup
On Sunday, December 8 we will volunteer as a team for course crew at the World Cup GS in Beaver Creek. This will be a great opportunity for us to be on course and get a close-up perspective of the World Cup! We will be slipping before the race and between competitors throughout the race. There will be no training scheduled on this date.
We must submit our list on November 15 – The deadline for registration for this event is November 13, 2019.
A TSC Travel planning form is ready for your sign-ups. Please indicate your plans to participate with a “1” (one) or “0” (zero) under attending and van:
ALL participants must execute a release available here and on the travel planning form: