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Alpine Ability Updates – Nov. 6, 2019

Alpine Ability Updates – Nov. 6th, 2019


Dear U16 and FIS Athletes and Parents:
Please note there was a recent change to the training calendar for tomorrow Thursday the 7th. We are now training GS, not SL.

Two deadlines are looming. 
1. Goal setting sheets completed and returned to coaches (Jared and Aldo for U16, Doug and Aldo for FIS. 
2. Sign-up for Birds of Prey World Cup on course access.  Please remember to enter a one or zero in each column!

Goal Setting and Meetings – Deadline November 9
Attached to this message you will find the Ability goal setting sheet. Please take some time to reflect and be thoughtful about your responses. These are your personal goals to discuss with coaches and will not be shared unless you choose to do so on your own.
Once you have completed the sheet please return it to Doug, Jared or Aldo at training or scan and email. We will schedule a goal-setting conference once we have your sheet.

Birds of Prey World Cup
On Sunday, December 8 we will volunteer as a team for course crew at the World Cup GS in Beaver Creek. This will be a great opportunity for us to be on course and get a closeup perspective of the World Cup! We will be slipping before the race and between competitors throughout the race. There will be no training scheduled on this date.
We must submit our list on November 15 – The deadline for registration for this event is November 13, 2019.
A TSC Travel planning form is ready for your sign-ups. Please indicate your plans to participate with a “1” (one) or “0” (zero) under attending and van EVERYONE ON THIS MESSAGE IS ASKED TO INDICATE THEIR PLANS ION THE PLANNING FORM WHETHER YOU PLAN TO ATTEND OR NOT:
ALL participants must execute a release available here and on the travel planning form: