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Alpine Update – October 9, 2022

Dear Team Summit Alpine Community (All Alpine SRD, Age Class and Ability Parents; All U16 and Older athletes; All Alpine Coaches):
We are making the leap to Demosphere! This is a club management platform that Team Summit has adopted to combine the functions of calendaring, messaging and ultimately all membership functions from registration to billing and volunteerism. Starting imediatrely we are adopting calendaring and messaging. Membership management will go on-line in time for 2023-24 registration. Details below.
Communication is critical! Demosphere will be an important tool for the Team Summit staff to be able to provide you with the information that you need to plan, be prepared for training and navigate the sport. More on communication below.
We are within two weeks of starting on-snow with our Age Class and Ability programs (depending on weather and snowmaking)! The schedule can be highly fluid this time of year. We are highly dependent on weather which impacts the opening of terrain. Copper Mountain has to juggle nearly 100 different teams and their needs to provide the excellent training Copper is known for. Many of these teams have traveled to Summit County from far away and at great epense. This can sometimes lead to last minute changes or cancelations that we have to react to.
Copper Mountain provides extraordinary support to Team Summit, not just during the early season but throughout the year. The business generated by the resort from the visiting teams during the early season is what provides us with the great facilities and training that is made available to us all year long. A big THANK YOU goes out to Copper Mountain and their staff.
Thank you in advance for your understanding as we navigate through any scheduling challenges or changes and THANK YOU for your diligence in keeping up with the communication and tasks that we ask you to complete to help us with our organization to provide the best possible training and most fun!
Thank you,
Aldo and the Alpine Coaching Staff.
Aldo Radamus
Alpine Director
Contacts for your Head Coach or Administration:
Membership Services:
Academic Services:
Athletic Trainers:
In This Update:
– Communication
– Demosphere
– Race Calendars
The Alpine Program tries to be lean and efficient in order to keep costs down and fees contaioned. With this goal in mind, we try very hard to make sure the information you need is available, accurate and timely. Our hope is to communicate efficiently to the entire group and reduce the need for individual emails, messages, calls and so forth.

Much information is available on the Alpine page at the Team Summit website: {CCM:BASE_URL}/Alpine. There you will find general information about each of our Alpine programs as well as detailed specific information in the drop-downs for each program. The answers to many program questions can be found there.
Regular Alpine Updates (such as this one) provide important information and actionable items for upcoming activities, Please take the time to read through carefully so that you don’t miss important details, deadlines or opportunities. There is always much to digest. Individual programs will, from time to time, also communicate program specific information. The administrative team sends periodic messages about club events, volunteer opportunities and other club news.
Alpine Updates are archive in the blog section of the Team Summit website for easy access: {CCM:BASE_URL}/Blog/topic/276/alpine%20racing
Most importantly, the calendars are meant to provide the information you need daily to be prepared for the upcoming training or racing. These will be kept up to date and alerts of any changes will be sent out.
When information has not been provided through these channels, it is usually because it is not yet available to us. A great example is the annual details about season ski passes. AS SOON AS all the information and procedures have been received from the partner resorts it is sent out to the membership by our admionistration.
The coaches and administrative team are just getting started with Demosphere and don’t have a lot of expertise yet. Thanks for your understanding as you begin to navigate the software. We are all going through the learning curve together!
All Alpine racers have been entered into the system with their primary “Player Contact” email address and Team assignments. You will receive an invitation email directly from Demosphere.
Once you receive your invitation, please follow the prompts to set up your account. When verified, you will be able to go to your home page. You will also receive a welcome email with training videos that provide an overview of Demosphere and get you started.
Player Contact Tasks
Update Contact Information
In the left navigation pane click on “Family Contacts”. Please add the contacts that you would like to be able to view calendars and receive team communications for the racer. 
Set Up Communication Preferences
In the left navigation pane, click on “Account” > “Settings” where you will be able to designate how you receive communications, when you receive reminders, etc. ALL TEAM COMMUNICATION WILL BE THROUGH PLAYMETRICS. PLEASE TAKE TIME TO ENSURE YOUR SETTINGS ARE SET UP SO THAT YOU RECEIVE COMMUNICATIONS EFFICIENTLY. Once your account is set up, you can download the Demosphere app for your mobile from your app store.
Indicate Your Plans Using The Attendance Function
Near the top of your home page, click on “Set Attendance”. This will open a page where you can set indicate your plans for every event that is calendared for your respective teams. Please select  “Present” if planning to attend or “Not Attending” when not planning to attend (we will not plan on you or have space at training for you if there has not been a change made to the default “?” indicate next to the athlete name for the training session).
It is critical that you record your plans for the early season training as accurately as possible so we can plan the training lanes, staff appropriately, know who to expect daily and be able to communicate any last minute changes. Please stay at least two weeks ahead with your attendance. CHANGES TO ATTENDANCE CANNOT BE MADE LESS THAN 72 HOURS BEFORE THE START OF THE EVENT. 
On your home page you will find the calendars for the teams you are assigned to. Please note: 
SRD – The calendars for racing and training are not posted yet.
Age Class – Training Calendar through December 4 and the full RMD race calendar are posted (The site assignment for the second Age Class Open has not been designated yet).
Ability Class – Training calendar through December 4, the full U16 race calendar, the full FIS national and RMD FIS calendar are posted (some details on eligibility, Co Ski Cup v. Co. Ski Cup Devo details and sites remain TBD).
For the purposes of efficient scheduling, coaches and racers have been assigned to multiple teams. This allows calendar entries to be made for the entire team, a specific age group or a location based team.
Ability Team – All Ability racers and coaches.
Ability FIS Team – All FIS racers and all Ability Coaches.
Ability U16 Team – All U16 racers and all Ability Coaches.
Age Class Team – All Age Class racers and coaches.
Age Class U14 Team – All U14 racers and coaches.
Age Class U12 Team – All U12 racers and coaches.
Age Class U10 Team – All U10 racers and coaches.
Ski Racing Devo – All SRD racers and coaches.
Ski Racing Devo Keystone – All SRD racers and coaches based in Keystone.
Ski Racing Devo Copper – All SRD racers and coaches based in Copper
Ski Racing Devo Plus Copper – All SRD racers and coaches in Plus program.
US Ski and Snowboard / Rocky Mountain Division (RMD) Calendars have not been finalized yet. Once they are, they will be published at the US Ski and Snowboard Website on the RMD page found here: will always be the “final word”. We are informed of changes through this site and will then modify the calendar in Demosphere.
The preliminary race calendars for Age Class and Ability Class have been posted in Demosphere with the most current information we have available to us in draft form. We expect the majority of the race dates and locations are correct but there will be some changes still.