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Alpine Updates – April 19th, 2021

Alpine Updates – April 19th, 2021

Dear Team Summit Alpine Ability, Age Class and SRD parents; Full-Time Academy and Ability Athletes and Interested Parties:
The 2020-21 Alpine season came to a close with the Women’s SL at the US National Championships last Friday as the final race of the year.
The Alpine staff have been busy with an Alpine Retreat to de-brief the season and plan for next year, completing year-end evaluations for all of the SRD, Age Class and Ability athletes, finishing budgeting tasks, tearing down training venues, repairing and inventorying equipment and a myriad of other tasks wrapping up before some well deserved time off.
Planning meetings are beginning at the divisional, regional and national levels over the next few weeks and preparations for camps in Copper, Mt. Hood and Italy, as well as, the summer weight lifting program for our Ability athletes is underway.
Program fees have been finalized for the 2021-22 season and enrollments are open. Confirmations have begun with re-enrollment for Full-Time Programs.
Please read on below for additional details.

As always, please reach out to connect to ask any questions, provide your feedback or discuss camps, next season or just to catch up.
Enjoy your spring time activities and see you soon!

Aldo Radamus
Alpine Director
Contacts for your Head Coach or Administration:
Membership Services:
Athletic Trainer and COVID Co-ordinator:
In This Update:
– Year-End Athlete Evaluations
– 2021-22 Program Registration
– Spring and Summer On-Snow Camps
Year-End Athlete Evaluations
Many evaluations have been distributed already and the remainder will be sent to athletes and parents by the end of this week. If you have not received the evaluation by Friday, please contact the program Head Coach.
Age Class:
Ski Racing Development:
2021-22 Program Registration
Registration for 2021-22 Programs is open!
Please register as soon as possible for the program you plan to be in next year. The Alpine staff have reviewed our program size in each age group and have determined ideal size and program capacity for each program. In some cases, these numbers are smaller than the enrolled numbers this past season.
Our priority is to be sure we are able to accommodate all athletes enrolled in programs last year, before accepting new athletes into Team Summit Alpine Programs.
For this reason, we have implemented a rolling enrollment on the following schedule:
Beginning April 17 (Underway) – Returning athletes enrolling in Full-Time Programs (Age Class, U16 and FIS Academy, PG)
Beginning April 27 – Returning athletes enrolling in Part-Time Programs (Age Class U10, U12 and U14, Ability Part-Time)
Beginning May 7 – New Colorado athletes enrolling in Full-Time or Part-Time Programs
Beginning May 17 – New out of state athletes enrolling in Full-Time or Part-Time Programs
We will begin confirming enrollments for new members of Team Summit on May 7 until program capacity is reached and enrollments are closed for the season.
Spring and Summer On-Snow Camps
Registration is open for May and June camps in Copper Mountain and August camps in both Mt. Hood, Oregon and Stelvio, Italy.
May Copper Camps are open to rostered 2020-21 or 2021-22 Team Summit Athletes.
June Copper Camps are open to rostered 2021-22 Team Summit Athletes only.
*We’re fielding inquiries daily from non-members but are unable to include anyone for guest training who has not been a guest in the past season or enrolled and confirmed for a 2021-22 Team Summit Program.
August Camps in Mt. Hood and Stelvio are open to a limited number of non-members who pay a premium to help cover coaching costs that are part of annual program fees for members.