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Author: Team Summit

Alpine Age Class Updates – January 4th, 2021

Alpine Age Class Email – January 4th, 2021 Dear Age Class Parents, Team Summit Alpine Coaches and Interested Parties: A Happy New Year in 2021 to all! The race season is scheduled to start for our Age Class Athletes in a week from today and there remains much uncertainty with only a few days to go. The Age Class Open races Team Summit was approved to host in Keystone January 10 and 11 are in the process of being moved to Breckenridge. While Vail Resorts and the County have not provided approval, we are HOPEFUL that this will come in the next few days.  In preparation...

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Snowboard Updates – December 30th, 2020

Snowboard Updates – December 30th, 2020 As the holiday training comes to a close competitions begin.  I want to remind everyone of the three ways parents can help their kids be good competitors, good people, and good snowboarders.  Many of our contests are judged events.  Judged events are quite subjective.  What scores well one day might not score so well the next event.  A kid can place well one week and not so well the next.  Sometimes kids place poorly with their best performances and place well with mediocre performances.  The three points help...

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Cleans, also Snatch, are Jumps….Not Back Extensions

Cleans, also Snatch, are Jumps….Not Back Extensions During the clean and the snatch the bar should always move in a mostly vertical line above your feet. At no point should the bar move in front of your toes nor behind your heels. If you find yourself having trouble keeping the bar in this plane, then you might be using either back extension or hips driving forward towards the bar rather than a jumping movement throughout the second pull (when the bar is explosively moving from just above your knees all the way up to the crease). There is a simple fix to keep the bar moving in a vertical...

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Alpine Updates – December 17th, 2020

Alpine Updates – December 17th, 2020 It has come to our attention that some members are experiencing problems receiving Team Summit messages originating in Campminder. This appears to be affecting primarily gmail addresses and may be related to the Google outages reported this week. Our apologies for this problem. It has been reported and will hopefully be resolved quickly   In the meantime, this message is being sent from Campminder and will be re-sent via regular email to the same distribution list. Our apologies to those who receive multiple, duplicate copies of these message.   Dear...

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Alpine Updates – December 10th, 2020

Alpine Updates – December 10th, 2020 Dear Team Summit Alpine Community: We recognize that the COVID induced protocols and new procedures place an additional strain on all our members and staff.   Our resort partners at A-Basin, Vail Resorts and Copper Mountain have gone to extraordinary lengths to facilitate Team Summit programs and athletes to continue to enjoy their resorts, TSC to provide programming and everyone to enjoy healthy outdoor activities. Exemptions from reservations systems, dedicated facilities for our kids to warm-up, exclusive pick up and drop off areas (never...

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Colorado Gives Day

Colorado Gives Day is December 8th! Team Summit Colorado invites Coloradans to support youth development in Summit County by donating on Colorado Gives Day, December 8, 2020. Community First Foundation and FirstBank present Colorado Gives Day, an annual statewide movement to celebrate and increase philanthropy through online giving. The event is powered by, a year-round, online giving platform. Donors can easily search for our profile on the site and make safe and secure donations. $1 Million Incentive Fund Community First Foundation and FirstBank each contributed...

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Alpine Updates – December 3rd, 2020

Alpine Updates – December 3rd, 2020 Dear Team Summit Alpine Community: With Copper Mountain resort open to the public, we have an increased responsibility to follow our COVID protocols and model exceptional compliance to mountain guests. Additionally, as the best skiers on the mountain, it is extremely important we model proper skiing etiquette, slow zone compliance, lift line behavior and respect for all mountain rules.   The resort has changed the approved drop-off and pick-up locations effective immediately.   The new drop-off and pick-up location for Center Village...

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Clean, Catch in a Full Squat

Clean, Catch It In a Full Squat So you’ve reached the point where you have mastered all of the bar patterns we use to warm up prior to every strength training session. Now it’s time to start adding some load slowly, then some speed to the Olympic Lifts. Let’s dive right into the Olympic Lift, the clean. When you receive (or catch) the clean in an upright, standing position, it’s called a power clean. This is fine, but let’s try to be more athletic and catch the lift in a full squat. The best way to learn to do this is to start the lift at the crease. Once you...

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Athlete of the Month – Ben Lyman

November's Athlete of the Month is Ben Lyman.  Ben is a Snowboarder in our Academy Program.  He goes to Snowy Peaks.  Ben attended summer strength and conditioning on every opportunity that was available to him. He always showed up with a smile on his face and eager to work hard. Each morning he would assist in setting up the outdoor workout space as well as help in cleaning and organizing at the end of each session. He also helped fellow athletes from all disciplines. If another athlete had questions or needed some guidance with exercise positions Ben enthusiastically lended...

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