Alpine Updates – February 17th, 2021
Dear Team Summit Alpine Ability, Age Class and SRD parents; Full-Time Academy Athletes and Interested Parties:
Thank you to all who participated in the recent Team Summit Survey! Across all our programs, 718 parents completed the survey – a phenomenal response rate. A total of 570 or 79.4% of you rated Team Summit a 9 or a 10 resulting in a net promoter score of 74.4! The comments you shared are invaluable to us and provide important feedback.
We appreciate everyone’s understanding of the challenges that...
Snowboard Updates – February 16th, 2021
Snowboard Updates – February 16th, 2021
We all knew it would be a challenging year. Warmer and Dryer weather patterns have not made it easier. Contests are being canceled and rescheduled rather quickly at this time. USASA has also extended the competition season into April. There are still a lot of contests on the Horizon. We are also working with Woodward to host some spring camps through the month of May. As these contests come and go it is important to remember that snowboarding is a sport where practice can actually be more fun than the...
Paul Cuthbertson Foundation Scholarship
Paul Cuthbertson Foundation Scholarship
The Paul Cuthbertson Foundation is pleased to announce applications for the Second Annual Live for Those Who Cannot scholarship are now being accepted.
The Live for Those Who Cannot scholarship, is awarded periodically to mountain youth with a passion for life and dedication to achieving excellence in their pursuits.
The purpose of The Paul Cuthbertson Foundation is to invest in the next generation of young women and men by providing merit-based scholarships or grants that help them pursue their goals in life with a focus on competitive skiing,...
Alpine Age Class Updates – January 29th, 2021
Alpine Age Class Updates – January 29th, 2021
Dear Age Class Parents, Coaches and Interested Parties:
Great news!
The U14 Super G races Feb 8-11 are confirmed! Attached is the draft race announcement submitted to US Ski and Snowboard this morning following yesterday's event approval. The Race announcement will also be published at RMD's page at US Ski and Snowboard Event registration is now open at MyUSSA. Please review the race announcement...
Crushing It Awards
The Crushing It Awards
Throughout the year, families and staff recognize members of the team with what is known as the Crushing It Awards.
The criteria is simple: Do you feel this person needs to be publically recognized?
Crushing It Awards can me nominated by parents, athletes, or staff.
If you would like to nominate a staff member, please email
Alpine Updates – January 22nd, 2021
Alpine Updates – January 22nd, 2021
Dear Team Summit Alpine Ability and Age Class athletes, parents and Interested Parties:
FINALLY, all age groups have had their first competitions this month! In just the first few weeks of 2021 our athletes have been racing successfully in FIS, USSA, Age Class and FIS University competitions after a full preparation period this fall.
As we now move into the race season, the coaches will provide each athlete a written in-season/prep period evaluation and ask each athlete to set their competition goals for the year.
This is...
Snowboard Updates – January 21st, 2021
Snowboard Updates – January 21st, 2021
We have been working with the Woodward at Copper Team to come up with some spring and Summer Camp options for our snowboarders. We are expecting to hold spring camp in late April/May. We are aiming to have that info ready in late February/March.
Woodward put together a great summer camp program for us last year and we are looking to do something similar again this year. We are planning to run summer camps in July and also planning to have a week, after their normal camps are over, where we can push all the snow into bigger...
Alpine Age Class Updates – January 4th, 2021
Alpine Age Class Email – January 4th, 2021
Dear Age Class Parents, Team Summit Alpine Coaches and Interested Parties:
A Happy New Year in 2021 to all!
The race season is scheduled to start for our Age Class Athletes in a week from today and there remains much uncertainty with only a few days to go.
The Age Class Open races Team Summit was approved to host in Keystone January 10 and 11 are in the process of being moved to Breckenridge. While Vail Resorts and the County have not provided approval, we are HOPEFUL that this will come in the next few days.
Ideas On What To Pack
What Should I Pack?
While the details of each person's pack can vary widely based their individual preferences. There are a few staples all coaches, athletes, and enthusiasts follow.
Thankfully, Samantha Streletsky (SRD Head Coach) has put together this fantastic image to help us all out!
*Download the PDF Here*
Also, see our post on Tips to Stay Warm for the 2020/2021 Season:
Tips to Stay Warm
The Many Ways to Support Team Summit – 2020/2021 Edition
The Many Many Ways to Support Team Summit
From volunteering to donating, to participating in virtual events, to linking your Amazon account, there are countless ways to support your athlete's team.
Team Summit spends countless hours supporting our local ski and snowboarding community. (Actually it's over 7000+ hours between December and April, but who's counting). Every year, Team Summit hosts competitions to keep travel costs down for our local and Front Range families; we organize and dispatch volunteers to help with community need programs; we work tirelessly to...