Get Ready for Optional Dryland Training This Fall!
As the ski season approaches, Team Summit is excited to announce our optional dryland training sessions! These practices are designed to help athletes improve their fitness and reduce the risk of injury while also providing a great opportunity to bond with peers and coaches before the season kicks off.
Training Schedule
We have scheduled two sessions in Summit County and two in Denver:
Summit County at Frisco Adventure Park:
September 29: 11 am – 1 pm
October 13: 11 am – 1 pm
Denver at Washington Park:
Intro to Team Summit Feb Update – Up-Coming Summit Cups
I want to update you on our calendar for the second half of our season. After our practice this weekend, we have Presidents' weekend off. Please try to get out and ski with your athlete as often as possible so they can practice the skills they have learned.
We have two upcoming Summit Cups. Unfortunately, there is a limited number of spots for each of these competitions.
Sunday, March 5: Breckenridge Skills Cross. This is a timed event on a Skier Cross course, one skier at a time.
**Registration opens on Monday, Feb 20th. Space is...
Intro to Team Summit November 28 Update
Hello Parents and Athletes,
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday! Our ITS coaches have been busy out on the hill prepping for the start of our ITS season, and we are super excited to get out there and meet your athletes! In a few days, you will receive an email from your child's coach. This will include information about the first day and where to meet. We will be skiing our groups together for the first few weeks to ensure that your athlete is matched with others of similar abilities.
I am sorry to tell you that we had a snag in our family orientation...
ITS 22/23 Parent Resources
ITS 22/23 Resources
"Hi, I'm Theresa Eckert the ITS Program Director for Team Summit Colorado.
Originally from Upstate New York, I have been coaching for over 20 years. The last 7 have been with Team Summit.
Prior to my time with Team Summit Colorado, I ran Ladies Ski Workshops, Youth Ski Camps and Family Ski Camps.
I look forward to sharing my passion of skiing with your aspiring athletes. "
-Theresa Eckert
ITS Program Director
ITS Resources
View the Presentation Slides
ITS Presentation Key Links
How to Load the Chair
Intro to Team Summit September Update
Dear Parents and Athletes,
Welcome to Intro to Team Summit! Our Family Orientation is set for November 12 at Copper Mountain. In addition, the Team Summit Ski Swap is that weekend at Copper Mountain. As details become available, they will be posted on our Team Summit website.
The practice schedule for the season is on the ITS calendar:
Due to the holidays falling on a weekend this year, Thursday, December 22 is the make-up day for our Saturday practice, and Monday, January 2 is the make-up...
Start to Intro To Team Summit
Dear Parents and Athletes,
I hope you all are getting as excited as I am about our first day of ITS this coming weekend. You will be recieving an email from your child's coach this week. Meeting locations and updated information for each mountain can be found on the ITS calendar:
Our ITS webpage has information as what to bring this weekend and can answer many of the frequently asked questions parents have.
I would also like to...
Sport Parenting and the Athletic Process
Sport Parenting and the Athletic Process
A Guide to Supporting your Young Ripper
Participation in sports has many positive outcomes, however, these outcomes are the result of adult-driven structures.
Read More
Intro and Devo Team Summit Dryland Training 2021
ITS / Devo Dryland Training
Dear Parents and Athletes,
Welcome to Team Summit's ITS program! I oversee our ITS program as the ITS Head Coach . Some of you have already received my previous email so apologies for the repetition. I would like to let you know that Team Summit will be hosting optional dryland practices in the month of October. Two will be held in Summit County and two in Denver at Washington Park. Dryland is where the athletes learn about exercises that get them in shape for ski season. Besides some calisthenics, we generally have an obstacle course and...
Cookie Day!
Gratitude Time!
Calling all Team Summit Members! We are designating this Saturday and Sunday, 4/3 and 4/4 as the day to show our resort partners how grateful we are for them this year! We need them to know that their tireless efforts to create a fantastic season for us have not gone unnoticed. Please take the time to bake your favorite cookies or put together your favorite treats in a baggy with a little thank you note and hand out to all of the front-line employees at the resort you'll be at this weekend. This includes lifties, parking attendants, ...
Ideas On What To Pack
What Should I Pack?
While the details of each person's pack can vary widely based their individual preferences. There are a few staples all coaches, athletes, and enthusiasts follow.
Thankfully, Samantha Streletsky (SRD Head Coach) has put together this fantastic image to help us all out!
*Download the PDF Here*
Also, see our post on Tips to Stay Warm for the 2020/2021 Season:
Tips to Stay Warm
Intro To Team Summit (Ski) Athlete/Parent/Coach Q&A
Athlete/Parent/Coach Meetings
Have some lingering questions after Family Orientation?
Join us for a quick Q&A with specifics for each mountain!
Arapahoe Basin
Breckenridge Ski Resort
Copper Mountain Resort
Keystone Ski Resort
Dec 1st, 2020
7:00 PM (MST)
Dec 1st, 2020
6:00 PM (MST)
Nov 29th, 2020
6:00 PM (MST)
Nov 29th, 2020
7:30 PM (MST)
Join the Meeting
Pwd: TSC2020
Join the Meeting
Pwd: TSC2020
Join the Meeting
Pwd: TSC2020
Join the Meeting
The Many Ways to Support Team Summit – 2020/2021 Edition
The Many Many Ways to Support Team Summit
From volunteering to donating, to participating in virtual events, to linking your Amazon account, there are countless ways to support your athlete's team.
Team Summit spends countless hours supporting our local ski and snowboarding community. (Actually it's over 7000+ hours between December and April, but who's counting). Every year, Team Summit hosts competitions to keep travel costs down for our local and Front Range families; we organize and dispatch volunteers to help with community need programs; we work tirelessly to...
Intro To Team Summit Updates – November 11th, 2020
Intro to Team Summit Updates
November 11th, 2020
Dear Parents,
I am sending this to all of you that have a 5 or 6 yr old signed up for our ITS program. I am very excited that your child is part of our Team Summit family. I want this first time experience to be one that is fun and enjoyable for them! As you are aware, it has been a very challenging year for all of us with the adjustments we have had to make due to Covid. I would like you to be aware of some of the unique circumstances that we are encountering with our resorts at this present time. I am concerned for our...
How to Stay Warm in Winter
Tips for Keeping your Athlete Warm and Comfortable this Winter
*Or how not to hide from the cold, and embrace winter in its entirety*
Team Summit has been around for over 50 years. In that time, we have learned more than a few different ways to stay comfortable out on the hill. We would like to recommend 12+ ways to stay warm and comfortable over this winter; plus a few bonus tips.
1. Pack the Basics
What you put in your pack and how you use these items makes a world of difference on any given day. Team Summit has a general checklist to help you stay warm...