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Whole Community – A Letter from the Executive Director

Our Whole Community 

Team Summit Families,

As of the end of June 2020, at Team Summit we find ourselves leading our industry in training during the burden of Coronavirus restrictions. Thanks to the exceptional support of our resort partners, particularly Copper Mountain Resort, we have had successful on-snow training for our Alpine (with SkierX) and Mogul programs. Starting July 13 our Snowboard and Park & Pipe programs will get their turn with 2-3 weeks of on-snow training.

Summit Middle School has allowed us to begin strength training using their parking lot and fields so we can have a normal training cycle while providing greater social distancing.

And all of our programs will be traveling for ‘Family Camps’ over the next 6 weeks to continue a relatively normal training period. We call them ‘Family Camps’ because we are not traveling, eating, and housing as a team, but relying on families for the travel component. This is not the ideal situation. Given the need for caution related to Coronavirus, we feel this is the best option to reduce the risk of spreading the disease while still providing opportunities for training.



Whole Community is a foundational part of our Vision at Team Summit. With data showing a rise in Coronavirus infections in Colorado and the US, we need to do all we can to limit our exposure and limit exposing others as we continue our efforts to maintain athletic development.

Now more than ever, we need the support of parents in maintaining a positive training environment. The operational plans we put in place are for the safety of our athletes, staff, and our whole community. Without these plans, we would not be able to offer training. As you are speaking with your athletes, help them to have a positive mindset regarding some of the inconveniences related to training in a COVID world. It is critical they wear face coverings when not actively in a training run or exercise. When the activity allows, they should wear gloves.  And at all times they need to maintain 6’ social distancing.

In addition, parents should make every effort to remain in their vehicle when dropping off and picking up your athletes from training. If you must exit your vehicle, you must wear a mask and maintain 6’ social distancing from everyone except your athlete.

Finally, many of us have plans to travel for our annual family vacations, work, and recreation. Not to mention returning to normal shopping, dining, and other activities. This increases the risk of transmission within our organization. Team Summit is relying on you to make responsible health decisions before sending your athletes to participate in a team activity. As of June 30, 2020, the CDC symptom list includes:

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

If your athlete is exhibiting any of these symptoms please do the responsible thing and pull them from training and notify your program director.

Responsible actions now provide us the best chance of having a successful ski season this winter. If we can be leaders in exhibiting recommended social distancing behaviors, then we contribute to a stronger and healthier community. This will lead to greater opportunities for everyone as we move into the ski and snowboard season.

Thank you for your continued efforts to keep our whole community safe!  Without your support, none of the progress we have seen over the last month would have been possible.


C.B. Bechtel
Team Summit Colorado – Executive Director;
(303) 809 6488

 whole athlete I whole team I whole community

Phone: 970 968 3080  Fax: 970 968 3081