Mid-season evaluations are nearly complete and will be emailed in the next few days to the contacts listed for each athlete in Demosphere.
Ability Program race travel billing has been completed for December and January. Ability Coaches’ expenses are billed to the participating athletes for all away FIS and Sync races. A huge shout out to our Ability coaches who do everything they can to minimize those billable expenses by day tripping when possible and staying with friends to avoid lodging expenses whenever possible. Thank you! Please review the worksheets linked below and...
Alpine Update – Jan 16, 2025
Alpine Update – Jan 16, 2025
Dear Team Summit Alpine Parents, Athletes and Coaches:
With the race season in full swing for Ability and Age Class and soon underway for our Ski Racing Devo and Comp Programs, we need your help!
First, Team Summit is hosting several sanctioned race events in the upcoming weeks. We hold races to save travel time and expense and to provide our kids with the opportunity to race at home on familiar venues that they are able to train on.
As is always the case, we need volunteers to help with hosting these events for the benefit of our kids. Please...
Alpine Update – April 1, 2024
Dear Team Summit Alpine Parents; Ability Athletes; Alpine Coaches:
What an amazing season of racing it has been! A season filled with adventures, progression and personal podiums! Thank you all for being part of Team Summit’s Alpine Programs! We are proud of all our athlete’s efforts, passion for ski racing and joy of skiing!
The season is winding down with some of the final competitions of the season underway for our FIS and U16 athletes and the annual Loveland Derby for all our racers and scored GS Spectacular for U14 and older! More about the Derby and GS Spectacular below.
Team Summit Alpine Update – Ability Team – November 21, 2023
Dear Team Summit Ability Parents; All Ability Athletes; Ability Coaches:
Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving and fulfilling time with family and friends!
It has been a hectic fall so far with the delay of training in October and nearly daily changes to our planned training schedule. THANK YOU for your flexibility and keeping up with plans via Demosphere! With your help we have been able to stay reasonably organized and have had productive training. Please join me with a BIG THANK YOU! to Copper Mountain “The athlete’s...
Team Summit Alpine Weekend Update – November 10, 2023
Dear Team Summit Ski Racing Devo | Comp, Age Class and Ability Parents; All Ability Athletes; Alpine Coaches:
In addition to our Ability and Age Class Teams training in Copper or A-Basin, we have a full slate of activities this weekend!
Family Orientation is taking place throughout the day on Saturday at the Copper Conference Center: https://teamsummit.org//familyorientation. Please plan to attend your program-specific sessions to learn much of what you need to know to participate in this year's programs, race calendars, communication and other important Team Summit...
Team Summit Alpine Update – October 10, 2023
Dear Team Summit Ski Racing Devo | Comp, Age Class and Ability Parents; All Ability Athletes; Alpine Coaches:
Consistent cold nighttime mountain temperatures and snow forecast later this week are keeping the start of Age Class and Ability on-snow training on track for October 20! Please consult your Demosphere calendars for details and be sure that you have your notifications set to receive any alerts, chats or mail messages in the way most convenient for you.
Ski Racing Devo | Comp calendars will be uploaded soon to Demosphere now that the race calendar has been finalized...
Team Summit Alpine Ability and Age Class Update – September 20, 2023
Dear Team Summit Age Class and Ability Parents; All Ability Athletes; Age Class and Ability Coaches:
Whether playing fall sports, being active and getting fit for the season or participating in Team Summit Conditioning with Jared, Jack and Heath, I hope you’re enjoying the fall and looking forward to getting on snow as soon as a month from today!
Both the Age Class and Ability Calendars are now updated in Demosphere through the Early Season Training Period from October 20 to December 10. Please review your personal schedules and indicate whether you will be...
Team Summit Alpine Update – September 10, 2023
Dear Team Summit Alpine Ski Racing Devo, Age Class and Ability Parents; All Ability Athletes; Alpine SRD, Age Class and Ability Coaches:
Happy Fall! The leaves are showing their first signs of turning and winter is just around the corner!
These regular Alpine Updates contain much program information including upcoming events and activities for all Alpine Program participants and staff. Please take the time to read this information carefully and act on any requests as quickly as possible.
Please refer to the Alpine Page of the Team Summit...
Alpine Ability and Age Class Update – August 27, 2023
Dear Team Summit Alpine Ability and Age Class Teams and All Alpine Age Class and Ability Coaches:
The Fall conditioning program begins this week on Monday for Ability Athletes and Tuesday for Age Class Athletes!
The conditioning times and information are posted in the Age Class Team Calendar for U14 and Younger and the Ability Calendar for U16 and older in Demosphere. The conditioning program is available to all registered Alpine athletes whether signed up for full-time or part-time programs.
Age Class training is led by Head Coach Jared Hedges at various...
Alpine Ability and Age Class Update – August 13, 2023
Dear Team Summit Alpine Ability and Age Class Teams and All Alpine Age Class and Ability Coaches:
Successful summer training camps were recently completed at Mt. Hood for our Age Class Team and Stelvio, Italy for our Ability Team. The final day of the Summer Conditioning weight lifting program is tomorrow, August 14 and classes for the new year start soon thereafter for everyone.
There will be a two week break for all Team Summit activities until the start of the pre-season conditioning program. The Ability Team will begin on Monday August 28 and will run Monday through...
Alpine Ability and Age Class Update – June 23, 2023
Dear Team Summit Alpine Ability and Age Class Teams and All Alpine Coaches:
Happy Summer!
Another successful Copper June Camp just wrapped up last week with 32 of our 51 rostered Ability athletes and 35 of 66 rostered Age Class athletes participating. Thank you to Copper Mountain for again providing a unique opportunity for our team to train during the off-season. Training at home allows us to increase the all-important time on snow without having the additional expenses of travel, food and lodging!
Final planning is now underway for the 14 athletes enrolled in the Age Class Mt. Hood...
Alpine Ability Update – November 28, 2022 – Race Season
Alpine Ability Update – November 28, 2022 – Race Season
Dear Team Summit Alpine Ability Community (All Alpine Ability Parents; All U16 and Older athletes; All Alpine Ability Coaches):
The race season is on!
North America’s fastest racers, not already established on World Cup, begin racing this week at Copper Mountain in the Nor-Am Series! Women’s GS and SL races begin on Wednesday followed by Men’s and Women’s DH and SG races from December 5-10. The Colorado stop of the Nor-Am series finishes with men’s GS and SL in Beaver...
Alpine Update – November 10, 2022 – Chat with Storm and River
Dear Alpine Athletes, Families and Staff:
Please read all the way through the information regarding upcoming events! There are a number of educational and informative opportunities coming up in the next two weekends.
Please remember the Team Summit Family Orientation at Copper this Saturday November 12! This will be an opportunity to learn important information about your program, race schedules and procedures, pick up your team jacket and more! (Meetings are at the Copper Mountain Conference Center and will be recorded. There is no virtual...
Alpine Update – November 7, 2022 – Volunteering, Orientation and Upcoming Events
Dear Team Summit Alpine Community (All Alpine SRD, Age Class and Ability Parents; All U16 and Older athletes; All Alpine Coaches):
This is the first Alpine Update distributed through our new calendaring and communications platform Demosphere! Please remember that you will find recent Alpine Updates in the Blog section of our website here: https://teamsummit.org//Blog/topic/1370/alpine%20update
Thank you all for helping with our migration to Demosphere. The coaches and administration are learning along with all of you how to most effectively navigate and utilize this...