Alpine Update – Jan 16, 2025
Dear Team Summit Alpine Parents, Athletes and Coaches:
With the race season in full swing for Ability and Age Class and soon underway for our Ski Racing Devo and Comp Programs, we need your help!
First, Team Summit is hosting several sanctioned race events in the upcoming weeks. We hold races to save travel time and expense and to provide our kids with the opportunity to race at home on familiar venues that they are able to train on.
As is always the case, we need volunteers to help with hosting these events for the benefit of our kids. Please click here to sign up through Point. Reach out to sydney@teamsummit.org if you have any questions.
January 19, 20: Sync GS – Breckenridge
January 25 – 27: U14 Super G Qualifiers – Breckenridge
February 1, 2: Colorado Ski Cup FIS SL – Keystone
March 9: YSL SL – Keystone
April 5, 6: GS Spectacular – Keystone
Second, help our coaching staff be organized and ensure there are no last minute stresses with tracking down entries, waivers, lift tickets, etc.
Please regularly check the RMD page on the US Ski and Snowboard website for the race announcements for upcoming races: https://www.usskiandsnowboard.org/sport-programs/regions-divisions/rocky-central-alpine-region/rocky-alpine-division-calendar
Read the race announcement for all important information, register at skireg.com, join the event WhatsApp group for race day information and complete any waivers or other requirements before the deadline.
Indicate your plans by recording your availability on the respective Demosphere calendar entry. The coaches will use the availability on the Demosphere calendar entry to confirm race entries with the race organizer at the nightly Team Captain’s meeting.
Thank you for your help supporting your Team Summit coaches and staff for the race season!
Spring and Summer Camps for 2025-26 Age Class and Ability Team Members
We are awaiting information from Copper Mountain regarding off-season training lanes for Age Class and Ability. Dates, costs and other details will be provided once finalized.
With our long season and at home camp opportunities in May, June and August, away camps are not required or recommended for all racers. If planning to participate in an away camp, it is expected that racers participate as much as possible in the available home camps to have enough time on snow to be prepared to benefit from the additional ski training.
Stelvio Camp Waitlist Registrations
The Stelvio Camp is available to 2025-26 Ability Program athletes (FIS and U16 – Year of Birth 2011 or earlier). This camp is an intensive training camp with demanding conditions (A full description follows below and attached to help gauge the appropriateness for your interest and ability level).
To date, we have received more applications than we have available spaces. Sixteen athletes have been approved and the final 8 will be approved on Tuesday January 21 in order for travel plans to be completed.
To check the status of the waitlist registration, please log into Demosphere. If your waitlist registration status is “Active” the registration has been accepted and you can proceed with making your air travel arrangements. If it shows as “Waitlist” the registration remains pending acceptance or space becoming available.
Mt. Hood Age Class Camp
The Age Class Team provides the opportunity for an away ski camp at Mt. Hood in late July/August. Athletes are expected to be independent, able to go to sleep and rise at designated times, help with meal preparation, pack their own lunches, maintain their skis, pack all necessary clothing and equipment for their daily needs and take care of personal hygiene. Practicing these skills at home is a prerequisite to traveling to camp and meeting the expectation to be self-reliant.
July 24 – Late afternoon van departure from Summit
July 25, 26 – Travel to Mt. Hood, camping en route
July 27-30 – On-snow training
July 31 – Off
August 1-4 – On Snow Training
August 5, 6 – Travel to Summit County, camping en route
Mt. Hood Waitlist registrations will open in the next several days. Confirmations of applicants up to the camp maximum of 24 athletes will be on or about Feb. 1, 2025 when our training lanes at Timberline are confirmed.
Please reach out to samantha@teamsummit.org with Ski Race Devo or Ski Race Comp questions.
Please reach out to jared@teamsummit.org with Age Class or Mt. Hood Camp questions.
Please reach out to aldo@teamsummit.org with Ability Program or Stelvio Camp questions or anything at all.
Best Regards,
Contacts for your Head Coach and Administration:
FIS: doug@teamsummit.org
U16: aldo@teamsummit.org
Age Class and U14/U12 Head Coach: jared@teamsummit.org
SRD|SRC: samantha@teamsummit.org
Conditioning: jack@teamsummit.org
Membership Services: membership@teamsummit.org
Academic Services: academy@teamsummit.org
Athletic Trainers: outreach@vsortho.com
Stelvio, Italy Ability GS Camp
FIS and U16 athletes (2025-26) may apply for our European glacier camp. This camp is a focused training camp that builds on the spring training conducted at home in May and June. The focus of this camp is an athletic one, maximizing the amount of time on snow and what are again expected to be demanding glacier training conditions. With the amount of time on-snow available at Copper in spring, on the “Woodward Glacier” in late summer and early season training in the fall, expensive away camps such as this are not a necessary component of a full “best practices” preparation period for most racers.
The team will stay midway on the mountain and rise before 5AM to have breakfast and access the glacier via snowcats. Training is normally completed by 900AM. Afternoons include rest, ski preparation, daily conditioning, team meetings and periodic video review. Bed time is 8PM. There are no other activities available for athletes at the hotel other than tuning skis, reading, journaling, hiking, etc. The few souvenir stands at the base of the lifts are 30 minutes downhill by foot. If the weather cooperates, we may ski every day and not have any opportunities to “get off the mountain”. Conversely, we may have a stretch of bad weather resulting in a loss of 4-5 ski days or poor conditions.
There is always the possibility that conditions on the glacier deteriorate to the point that the summer training operation closes for the season early causing a cancellation of the camp. In that event, all program fees will be refunded. Travel protection insurance is recommended for your purchased airfare. Enrollment in Global Rescue or a similar medical evacuation policy is recommended in the event of an injury.
Conditions will be determined by the amount of winter snowpack. Last year’s camp benefitted from one of the snowiest winters in more than 20 years. The previous two summers, limited snow resulted in training being conducted on black glacier ice. While providing excellent training, this type of skiing is both extremely demanding physically and requires a high degree of competence in tuning skills. As much as 2-3 hours of tuning may be required daily to have two pairs of GS skis prepared for each training day. Typically, perfectly prepared and extremely sharp edges will only last for two runs when training on glacier ice. Two pairs of GS skis are required and may need touching up with hand tools on the glacier. No SL will be trained.
We are limited to 24 athlete spots on our reserved lanes, space on snowcats and reserved lodging. Enrollment priority is given to Ability athletes. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to accommodate all interested athletes.
If interested, we ask you to register for the waitlist through Demosphere for consideration prior to Sunday January 19.
When selecting a season, please choose “Alpine – 2024-25 Winter Programs”
Then choose the option: Alpine Ski Camps > Stelvio, Italy Racing Camp July/ August 2025.
For minors who would like to travel accompanied for their air travel, link to the itinerary for Jack Farrell on the information sheet. Once travel plans are made, please complete the Stelvio travel sheet with your itinerary and other details. Waitlist registration is open. Detailed information is attached.
July 22 – Departure from USA
July 23 – Arrival Milan
July 24 to August 4 – On snow training (12 Days of skiing planned)
August 5 – Return to USA
Aldo Radamus
Alpine Director
Team Summit Colorado
Mobile: +1.970.390.4219