Paul Krahulec’s Rewarding Hobby
[Paul with his wife, Amy, and son, Tyler]
Many in the competitive Freeski and Snowboard world know Paul Krahulec as the guy who reminds everyone to wear a helmet, go over the rules, and have a great time before a competition. Paul, or PK, is currently the Series Director of USASA’s Rocky Mountain Series (RMS) and FIS Technical Delegate. Though his competition career started like many in our world: as a parent of young athletes. In 2003, Team Summit athletes needed someone to organize the group to go to Nationals in Sunday...
Alpine Spring Training – June 2nd, 2020
Alpine Spring Training – June 2nd, 2020
Dear Team Summit Colorado Alpine Community:
Training is confirmed for June 3-17! Registration will be open from 5AM to 5PM on Tuesday, June 2nd through your Campminder account or by following the links from the camp information page here:
Copper Mountain has provided a new Individual Liability Waiver which is being uploaded to Campminder and will be available beginning at 5:00AM Tuesday, June 2nd. If you have already registered, please return to your...
Snowboard Updates – June 1st, 2020
Snowboard Updates – June 1st, 2020
Hey Everybody,
As everyone can imagine plans are slowly beginning to change regarding summer training opportunities. This does however bring some new opportunities. As of right now, we are still trying to make going to Mt. Hood possible. There are a lot of new restrictions and we are trying to figure out what makes the most sense. If Hood falls through we need a backup option which would be Woodward. There is a chance that Woodward will get very busy and sell out fast with limited options this summer. Here is...
Alpine Updates – May 28th, 2020
Alpine Ability Updates – May 28th, 2020
Dear Team Summit Colorado Alpine Ability athletes, All Alpine parents and Alpine Coaching staff:
Thank you to everyone for being responsive to our request to indicate interest in our spring training opportunities. The situation is unfolding quickly and continues to be fluid.
Arapahoe Basin
Following a review with management at Arapahoe Basin, we have made the decision that it is inappropriate to move forward with a training program at the resort. There is a great demand for the limited access to skiing and...
Bar Patterns Part 10 – Clean Pull
Bar Patterns: Clean Pull [from mid-shin]
Part 10 in the series
Grasp the bar with a clean grip. This is determined by having your fingers just outside of your shoulders while the bar is resting on the front of your shoulders like you are setting up for a front squat (this is also called the “rack position”). Begin with the bar hanging in front of your hips and standing with your feet hip-width apart. This next piece might sound like an optional step, but it is paramount when it comes to performing the Olympic Lifts properly as we progress into explosive lifting. Hold the bar...
Freeski Updates – May 29th, 2020
Freeski Updates – May 29th, 2020
We hope you are all healthy and are finishing up strong “at” school. Stay strong we’ll get through these times together and come out stronger in the end.
It has been a tough spring for all of us. Missing out on National Championships, having our ski season cut short, and canceling camps is a real bummer, but was the right thing to do. Know that your coaches all miss you. We look forward to next season and shredding together again soon.
Keep your spirits up, Team Summit is right there with you. We will resume...
The Bobby Brown Award – Jenna Riccomini
The Bobby Brown Award
For Excellence in Park and Pipe Freeskiing
Jenna Riccomini
Jenna Riccomini Nominated for the US Freeski Team
Team Summit Athlete Nominated for the US Freeski Team
Congratulations to Jenna Riccomini (@jenna_riccomini) for a nomination to the US Freeski Rookie Team!
Jenna was selected to join the US Freeski Rookie Team (@usfreeskiteam) for Slopestyle and Big Air this morning, May 5th, 2020, via Instagram live. The criteria for selection were rigorous, requiring strong placement in the FIS Slopestyle Points List. This puts her as one of the Elite Freeskiers in the country.
Jenna, should she accept, will be able to access the US Ski & Snowboard Center of...
May 1st, 2020 Newsletter
May 1st, 2020 Newsletter
Click anywhere to download the full PDF
Throwback Thursday – Jason Rosener
Throwback Thursday Jason Rosener
With the Online Awards Banquets coming up, It’s worth sharing some information about Jason Rosener. Jason Rosener was a Summit Race Team member who climbed his way up to become a USST member. He represented the US in the 1998 Winter Olympic Games in Nagano, Japan, finishing an impressive 15th in the Downhill. Jason also competed in the 1997 World Skiing Championships in Sestriere, Italy. Jason is a humble athlete who grew up a "regular" kid from Summit County, and followed his dream to its Pinnacle....
Alpine Workouts
Alpine Program Conditioning Zoom
Ability Program Conditioning Zoom
As a reminder: All Ability athletes (U16 and older in 2020-21) are invited to the first Team Summit Alpine Ability home conditioning session, via Zoom, on Thursday, April 16, from 3:30 until 4:00!
Before the conditioning session begins at 3:30, spend a half-hour (3:00-3:30) completing a quality dynamic warm-up.
10-15 minute jog/bike
5-10 minute foam roll
10 minute mobility walks
After you complete your warm-up, the workout will begin at 3:30 led by Jack over Zoom. It will consist of all body weight...