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Alpine Updates – October 23rd, 2020

Alpine Updates – October 23rd, 2020

Dear Team Summit Alpine Athletes, Parent, Coaches, and Interested Parties:
The Alpine Coaching staff spent today on the mountain helping the dedicated Copper Mountain Race Department prepare the venue for training.
The width of the trail on the bottom half of Copperopolis does not allow training lanes to be designated. The available training lanes are less than one half of what will be available in the coming days. As a result of fewer lanes and COVID limitations on capacity, we will not be able to accommodate all of those who have expressed interest in training on Saturday. My sincere apologies as I know that many will be left disappointed.
The sign-up sheet has been updated to indicate those who are rostered for training tomorrow. You can view the sheet here:
Those athletes who are in full color (Blue for Ability, Green for U14, Red for U12 or Yellow for U10) are rostered for training tomorrow. The sheet will be updated daily for the following day. For those athletes not rostered today, we will make every effort to roster tomorrow.

Athletes who are not rostered for the day will not be eligible to join the training. Please do not come if you are not rostered. Changes or substitutions are not allowed.
Baseline Concussion Testing
For those not skiing on Saturday, Baseline Concussion Testing will again be made available. All athletes, U14 age and older, are required annually to complete a baseline test. Testing is conducted at the Vail – Summit Orthopedics (VSO) office in Frisco: 360 Peak One Drive, Suite 180. Please sign up at the link below and reach out to Athletic Trainer – Rachel Freeman as indicated below:
Rachel Freeman, MA, ATC, OTC
Outreach Coordinator and Athletic Trainer
P: (970) 296-4811   F: (877) 480-9620

All athletes MUST be on time to a daily team meeting. Athletes who miss the meeting will not be able to upload.
In order to train as safely as possible, protect ourselves, our families, and others; Team Summit COVID Protocols ( must be adhered to.
– Masks at all times when not skiing
– Physical distance of 6 feet must be maintained at all times
– Wash hands and disinfect surfaces
– Stay at home if not feeling well

The daily schedule is as follows:
12:45 Drop Off at Ten Mile Circle in Center Village
12:55 Team Meeting at Bottom of American Eagle in Designated Area
1:15 Athlete Load American Eagle
1:30 – 3:45 Training
4:00 Download American Eagle
4:15 Athlete Pick-up at Ten Mile Circle
*5:30 Athlete Pick up at Team Summit Clubhouse in Snowbridge Square for those Ability athletes assigned to conditioning (see below).
Gillett, Carter
Ability athletes will be skiing on GS skis. Age Class athletes will be skiing on SL skis.
Training will consist of freeskiing, drills and may include some drill courses. Please bring all gear for SL or GS.
Drop off:
The Team Summit Clubhouse will not be open for changing, bag storage or any other uses than conditioning during assigned times and for assigned athletes. Please drop off athletes during the times indicated on the schedule. The designated drop off area is in Ten Mile Circle. Please have athletes ready to go so they can exit the vehicle quickly and drop-off can be kept moving for all teams. Please remember to be masked when leaving the vehicle.
The team meeting will include a COVID-19 screening and communication of the day’s program. Immediately following the meeting a Copper Mt. employee will escort our team to the lift where we will upload as a group.
It is very important that everyone respect the schedule to avoid unnecessary congregation, keep groups separated, and minimize interactions.
Additional Training Details:
– You must have the “Blue Card” add-on to your pass that provides early-season training access
– If you miss the meeting, you will not have a ticket and will not be allowed to 
– Parents may not leave their vehicles, please drop off the athletes and clear the drop-off area immediately.
– There is no congregating indoors at Solitude, Minimize time in restroom facilities. 
– Please maintain Social Distancing, especially at the American Eagle and Excelerator Lifts. Be courteous. Mask at all times, except when engaging in athletic activity. 
– Unless sharing the same household, only two persons are allowed on the American Eagle and Excellerator lifts. One person is allowed in each gondola cabin for the download. You may see athletes from other teams riding lifts differently if their team policies allow.
– Do not mix groups or ride with friends from other Teams. Teams must remain isolated.
Please do not park in the Flyer Lot. The Beeler, Chapel, Wheeler (limited), Alpine and Far East lots are free until Nov. 30th.
we are fortunate to be training again. Additional terrain will be opening with each additional day of snowmaking. Thank you for your support, cooperation, patience, and understanding.
Aldo Radamus
Alpine Director