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Athlete of the Month – Ben Lyman

November's Athlete of the Month is Ben Lyman.  Ben is a Snowboarder in our Academy Program.  He goes to Snowy Peaks.  Ben attended summer strength and conditioning on every opportunity that was available to him. He always showed up with a smile on his face and eager to work hard. Each morning he would assist in setting up the outdoor workout space as well as help in cleaning and organizing at the end of each session. He also helped fellow athletes from all disciplines. If another athlete had questions or needed some guidance with exercise positions Ben...

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Intro To Team Summit (Ski) Athlete/Parent/Coach Q&A

Athlete/Parent/Coach Meetings Have some lingering questions after Family Orientation?   Join us for a quick Q&A with specifics for each mountain!   Arapahoe Basin Breckenridge Ski Resort Copper Mountain Resort Keystone Ski Resort Dec 1st, 2020 7:00 PM (MST) Dec 1st, 2020 6:00 PM (MST) Nov 29th, 2020 6:00 PM (MST)   Nov 29th, 2020 7:30 PM (MST) Join the Meeting  Pwd: TSC2020 Join the Meeting  Pwd: TSC2020 Join the Meeting  Pwd: TSC2020 Join the Meeting  Pwd:...

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Alpine Updates – November 25th, 2020

Alpine Updates – November 25th, 2020 Dear Team Summit Alpine Community: As is customary at this time of year; reflection of the things we are thankful for leads us to appreciate how fortunate we are to be able to provide our athletes the opportunity to engage in a healthy outdoor activity, improve their skills and pursue their dreams.   Thank you to our resort hosts, especially Copper Mountain over these initial 5 weeks of skiing and training. Thank you to our dedicated coaching staff who share their knowledge and passion every day and especially to our dedicated athletes and...

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Alpine Updates – November 16th, 2020

Alpine Updates – November 16th, 2020 Dear Team Summit Alpine Community: We remain blessed by both the snow conditions and the extraordinary support of Copper Mountain Resort to be able to provide great training opportunities to our Ability Class and Age Class teams. With many athletes notching 15 days or more, there are few athletes in the country who have been able to ski as much.  The US 2020-21 Ski Race season began today with the 2020 US Women's National Championship GS at Copper. Congratulations to Team Summit's Olyvia Snyder who finished 25th in her first...

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Moguls RQS/Devo Updates – November 14th, 2020

Hey crew, Who is ready to ski?!!! It’s finally here, the start of the RQS /Devo season! I hope you all have your backpacks ready, skis tuned, boots fit and enthusiasm to rip. We have been getting some snow and the skiing is getting better quickly.  Be certain to get your Arapahoe Basin pass set ASAP so when you show up on Saturday morning you will be ready to hit the snow sliding. This season we will be leaning on parents to help us keep the season successful. There are several key points to help with this. If anyone in your family has not been feeling well, please keep your...

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Intro To Team Summit Updates – November 11th, 2020

Intro to Team Summit Updates November 11th, 2020 Dear Parents,  I am sending this to all of you that have a 5 or 6 yr old signed up for our ITS program. I am very excited that your child is part of our Team Summit family.  I want this first time experience to be one that is fun and enjoyable for them! As you are aware, it has been a very challenging year for all of us with the adjustments we have had to make due to Covid.  I would like you to be aware of some of the unique circumstances that we are encountering with our resorts at this present time. I am concerned for our...

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Alpine Updates – November 9th, 2020

Alpine Updates – November 9th, 2020 This and subsequent updates are being sent to the following groups: 2020-21 registered Team Summit Alpine Ability, Age Class Academy and U14 Athletes  All Ability, Age Class and Devo Program Parents All Alpine Ability, Age Class, and Devo Coaches Additional Interested Parties   Dear Team Summit Alpine Community: Winter has returned with new snow and colder temperatures. Conditions at Copper, for those already skiing and training, have been excellent! The team at Copper have done their normal amazing job preparing the training slopes...

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Executive Director Updates – November 7th, 2020

Updates from the Executive Director November 7th, 2020 I have two quick updates for you this morning. I was waiting for some additional details so the information would be more complete, but rather than continue waiting I thought it would be better to give you what we know and provide additional details as they are complete.  First, is the Team Summit Epic passes. We are on track to provide everyone your Team Summit Epic pass vouchers between November 15 and 30. You will receive your voucher by email from Lili when she receives them. Please don't contact her on the 15th...

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Bar Patterns: Catch, Snatch in a Full Squat

Snatch, Catch In A Full Squat So you’ve reached the point where you have mastered all of the bar patterns we use to warm up prior to every strength training session. Now it’s time to start adding some load slowly, then some speed to the Olympic Lifts. Let’s dive right into the Olympic Lift, the snatch. When you receive (or catch) the snatch in an upright, standing position, it’s called a power snatch. This is fine, but let’s try to be more athletic and catch the lift in a full squat. The best way to learn to do this is to start the lift at the crease. Once...

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Updates from the Executive Director

Updates from the Executive Director October 28th, 2020 It is an exciting time of year as the cold and natural snow have us poised to begin our on-snow training.  This is what we work for and we are ready. Keep in mind as you read this that we are moving as fast as possible to finalize our operations, but delays in the creation of state and county health guidelines delay our resort partners ability to create their COVID related operating plans, which delays the ability of our governing bodies to schedule competitions, which delays some of our planning. I can tell you that at...

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Alpine Updates – October 23rd, 2020

Alpine Updates – October 23rd, 2020 Dear Team Summit Alpine Athletes, Parent, Coaches, and Interested Parties: The Alpine Coaching staff spent today on the mountain helping the dedicated Copper Mountain Race Department prepare the venue for training.   The width of the trail on the bottom half of Copperopolis does not allow training lanes to be designated. The available training lanes are less than one half of what will be available in the coming days. As a result of fewer lanes and COVID limitations on capacity, we will not be able to accommodate all of those who have...

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