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Alpine Updates – October 23, 2020

Alpine Updates – October 23rd, 2020 Dear Team Summit Alpine Athletes, Parent, Coaches, and Interested Parties: The PLANNED training calendar is published in the calendar section of the Team Summit website: ;Due to conditions, group size restrictions, venue capacity, visiting teams, and other factors these schedules are subject to change on a daily basis. Until further notice, an email message will be sent daily before 7PM the night preceding training detailing the next day’s schedule.  Thank you to...

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Freeski Updates – October 15th, 2020

Freeski Updates – October 15th, 2020 Hi Team Happy Fall! It has certainly cooled off and it’s exciting to see the snow guns blasting away at Copper and Arapahoe Basin. It won’t be long now before we are making our first laps! Huge Thanks to all of you who helped or came by the Ski Swap last weekend in Breckenridge. It was great to see everyone gearing up and getting stoked. Now is definitely the time to get your equipment squared away. Make sure your boots are well fit and adjusted to your skis and bindings to avoid a scramble on your first day. A good ski tune is...

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Dryland for ITS and Devo

Dryland Updates and More Dear Parents and Athletes,  A busy preseason is upon us.  I have highlighted some activities below. Some may be of interest to mom and dad as well!  Dryland Our final dryland will be held this Sunday morning at Washington Park in Denver from 10 AM to 12 noon and the weather looks good! Friends are welcome to attend! This is an optional activity but a great way for the athletes to get out and meet some of their teammates while doing some preseason conditioning. We will be meeting on the west side of the park across from the intersection of...

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Alpine Updates – October 7, 2020

Alpine Updates October 7th, 2020 This message is being sent to all 2019-20 and 2020-21 registered Team Summit Alpine Ability and Age Class Academy Athletes and parents. Our apologies to those who will receive multiple copies until we begin messaging only 2020-21 registered athletes as programs return to snow in the coming weeks.   Dear Team Summit Alpine Ability and Age Class Academy Athletes, parents and Alpine Coaching staff:   This year, there will not be an RMD hosted Skills Quest Conditioning Assessment.   The Skills Quest Conditioning Assessment is designed to gauge...

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Welcome Leah Emaus

Leah Emaus Press Release October 6, 2020 Summit County, Colorado – Team Summit is excited to welcome Leah Emaus as the Ski Cross Head Coach. Leah was a member of the USA Ski Cross Team and competed in NorAm, Europa Cup, Grand Prix, and World Cups. Leah is a two-time US National Champion and found the podium worldwide, including a World Cup win at Tabor Mountain, BC Canada. Throughout her sports career, Leah has competed in Moguls, Aerials, SlopeStyle, and Half Pipe. Leah was also a member of the four-time BIG XII Conference Champions at West Virginia University in Soccer. Leah...

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Freeski Updates – October 1st

Freeski Updates – October 1, 2020 Freeski News Happy Fall! Snowmaking fired up this week and the weather has been perfect for outdoor training! Go for a run, hike, or bike ride and get stoked for the Winter ahead. Remember to stay diligent with social distancing, hygiene, and wearing your mask, Team Summit needs you all healthy for all the fun times ahead!   Camps Freeski finished up the Summer with 2 final camps in Park City at the Olympic Park on the Airbag and H20 ramps. Coaches saw huge progress, as athletes brushed up on their final air packages for the season. Thanks...

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Alpine Updates – September 25th, 2020

Dear Team Summit Alpine Ability and U14 Athletes, All Alpine parents, and Alpine Coaching staff:   Four weeks from today, our Ability and Age Class Teams have their first-day on-snow at Copper Mountain!    October 23 is the scheduled first day of Early Season Training at Copper Mountain. Although the opening is dependent on cold weather for snowmaking, there is a long history of Copperopolis being prepared for training on schedule during the second half of October. More information will be coming in the next update. A-Basin will be racing against Loveland and Keystone to...

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Bar Patterns: Rack Mobility from Behind the Neck

Bar Patterns: Rack Mobility from Behind the Neck Part 14 in the series Ensuring proper posture during your strength training is very important to develop correct movement patterns for your sports and also to keep you safe while strength training. Two prime examples are the front squat and the overhead squat. You need to have a very upright posture in both of these exercises to perform them safely and correctly. During these movements, you want to be certain that you are standing with your chest tall and maintaining a neutral spine (remember, your spine has natural curves as you stand and...

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Freeski Updates – September 15th, 2020

  Freeski News Wow, that was an early snowfall! It got everyone buzzing for the ski season, thinking about goals, gear, and plans ahead. Along with the new snow, we have lots of positive news from the resorts as they announce their plans to deal with the pandemic.  We currently working through every aspect of our new and returning operating plans.  As we do so, we become increasingly optimistic for an even better, and productive year with even more fun! The key to our success this season is to remain flexible as we work with our partner resorts, local and state...

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Alpine Updates – September 7th, 2020

This message is being sent to all 2019-20 and 2020-21 registered Team Summit Alpine Athletes U14 and older and all Alpine parents. Our apologies to those who will receive multiple copies until we begin messaging only 2020-21 registered athletes as programs return to snow in the upcoming months.   Dear Team Summit Colorado Alpine Ability athletes, All Alpine parents, and Alpine Coaching staff:   I hope that everyone has enjoyed the Labor Day weekend!   Tomorrow, Tuesday, September 8, is the start of fall dryland for Full-Time athletes and could see the first significant...

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