Team Summit's At-Home Workout Series - Week 2

Team Summit's At-Home Workout Series

Hey Team Summit families,

While many of us are staying at home, Team Summit will be putting out 3 workouts per week to help you keep moving. The workouts will utilize little or no special equipment, just an open area in any room.  As athletes, we understand how difficult it is for you to sit still.

Please remember to warm up for at least 5 minutes prior to each exercise session. Drink plenty of water throughout each day and eat nutritious meals.  When we get past this time you will be ready to hit the ground running!

Week 2    |     Day 1

5 rounds, rest 1 minute between each round

-Archer Squat         x10
-Upper Body Step Up x20
  [use your strairs]
-Prone Back Extension  x10
-Single Leg, Supine Hip Extensions
  Left Leg     X15
  Right Leg   x15
-Side Plank
  Left Side     45 seconds
 Right Side   45 seconds

Week 2       |      Day 2

5 Rounds, rest 45 seconds between rounds
-Single Leg Squat         
  [hold door frame if needed]
  x 5    Left
  x 5   Right
-Jump Squats      x 15
-Good Mornings    x 10
-Grasshoppers       x 10

Week 2       |       Day 3

[use a broom stick or ski pole]

3 Rounds.
1 minute rest between rounds, no rest between exercises

-Snatch High Pull    x7
-Muscle Snatch      x7
-Snatch Grip Press   x7
-Overhead Squat      x7
-Full Squat, Snatch press    x7
-Snatch Balance        x7     


5 sets, rest 45 seconds between sets
-Inch Worm               x10

Missed last week's workout series?
[Click here to view]